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Selectmen's Minutes September 12, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Frederick Gallup, Richard Leone and Stephen White.

Absent:         Emma Smith

Also Present:           Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Attending: Ronald Verblauw, Deb Champagne, Dick Jaffe, Jeanne Jaffe, Tony                  Bergeron, David Cahill, Donna Roberson and Aaron Aldredge.

Items Signed:            Minutes Aug. 22,  August 23,  August 29, 2005;  Review of              Payroll and Payables Manifests;CZC’s William Seale, Map 218, Lot 69, 13 Avery Road; Doreen Amore, Map 233, Lot 72-2, Rte. 103; James & Evelyn Anderson, Map 238, Lot 61, 51 Sioux Path; Gary & Michele Andy, Map 146, Lot 36, 414 Bay Point Road; Peter & Priscilla Diamond, Map 135, Lot 2, 32 Birch Point Road; Town of Sunapee, Map 129, Lot 36, 9 Sargent Road; Sign Permit:  Jim Powers, Map 233, Intersection of Bradford Rd.; Land Disturbance:  Peter & Priscilla Diamond, Map 135, Lot 2, 32 Birch Point Lane;  Demolition Permit:  Margot & Davis Rox, Map 116, Lot 7. 10 Northwest Lane; Zeller Family Trust, Map 107, Lot 29, 1120 Lake Ave.; Edward Frothingham, Jessie Sharp, Map 226, Lot 26, 182 Stagecoach Rd.; Bill & Sue Conaty, Map 128, Lot 66, 105 Lake Ave.; Sign Permit:  Rick Freeman, Map 233, Lot 72-1, 356 Rte 103; Land Disturbance; Patricia Whitney; Map 235, Lot 82, 4 Samoset Road.   

7:00 PM – The meeting was called to order by Chairman Roach.


7:00 PM – Assessor Norm Bernaiche was present to introduce himself to the Board.  He
began his duties with Sunapee last week.   He is the new tri-town assessor, also working
for the communities of New London and Newbury.  As Sunapee has just finished with a
revaluation, he is checking the new data base and will make adjustments, if necessary, as
needed.  He is finding his position very interesting and believes it will be beneficial for
taxpayers to have someone to speak with who will have consistent answers. He will
provide customer service and public information.  W. Roach asked that the assessor be
sure to go through building permits to make sure all new construction or changes are
picked up.  D. Nashawaty stated that the new software has the capability of recording
building permit information.  N. Bernaiche stated that he will be checking building
permits as well as verifying sales information.    

7:30 PM – Police Chief David Cahill approached the Selectmen regarding personnel.  He would like to hire two additional part time officers for his department.  He presented the Selectmen with a breakdown of hours provided by the current part time personnel and the amount of calls year to date compared with the previous year.  Chief Cahill informed the Selectmen that he needs to hire additional personnel due to the fact that present personnel need to attend schooling and have other obligations, such as their full time employment.  He is willing to take on some of the time needed himself, but feels this is not enough to provide  adequate service to the community.   He currently does not have any part time officers that can work weekdays.   S. White asked Chief Cahill why he was coming before the board when he was in charge of his budget.  Chief Cahill stated that he did this as a courtesy so that board would be up to date on what was going on in his department.  If he hires 2 more officers, he anticipates that they will not be on duty until December or January due to the required training.  R. Leone asked if it would be more economical to hire part time or full time.  Chief Cahill stated that benefits are a big cost and would not have to be provided to part time personnel.  D. Nashawaty stated that she supported Chief Cahill in his plan to hire 2 additional part time officers.  Motion was made by R. Leone to approve the hiring as recommended by the Town Manager.  The motion was seconded by S. White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


Vote on Acceptance or Non-Acceptance of the Following Roads as Emergency Lanes:

W. Roach stated that at the hearing held August 29, 2005, no negative comments were heard regarding any of the roads raised for discussion.  Arguments for the acceptance consisted of concerns regarding the receipt of safety services and medical reasons.  
W. Roach also read a letter he received from Selectman Emma Smith, who could not attend the meeting.  She stated in her letter that she would vote affirmatively for acceptance of all roads.  E. Smith’s letter is attached to the file copy of these minutes.

Piney Point Road:  Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to name Piney Point Road as an emergency lane in accordance with RSA 231:59.  The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Burma Road:   Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to name Burma Road as an emergency lane in accordance with RSA 231:59.  The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.  W. Roach and R. Leon recused themselves from voting as they own property on the road.  The motion carried.

North Shore Road:  Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to accept North Shore Road as an emergency lane in accordance with RSA 231:59.  The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Mary’s Road:  Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to accept Mary’s Road as an emergency lane in accordance with RSA 231:59.  The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Melody Lane:  Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to accept Melody Lane as an emergency lane in accordance with RSA 231:59.  The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Riverside Drive:  Tony Bergeron informed the Board that the first 540 ft. of this road was already accepted as a Class V road by  Town vote.  Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to accept as an emergency lane that portion of Riverside Drive beyond the 540’ ft. classified as class V to the turn around in accordance with RSA 231:59.   The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.   The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Stone End Road:  Motion was made by S. White to accept the minutes of the August 29, 2005 hearing and to accept Stone End Road as an emergency lane in accordance with RSA 231:59.  The motion was seconded by F. Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Appointment – Beautification Oversight Committee

D. Nashawaty explained that in 2003 the Town voted to create an expendable trust fund  to be named the Sunapee Beautification Fund.  It was also voted to establish an Oversight Committee to over see monies in this fund.  As no committee was every established, she would like to do that at this time.  Motion was made by F. Gallup to appoint Eugene Hall, Pat Hall and Tecla McCann to serve on the Beautification Oversight Committee.  The motion was seconded by  S. White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Bills for Submission:  County

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with the wording for three bills to be submitted to the legislature next week regarding Sullivan County  taxes.  The first bill provides that the request from the county to towns for funding be at 2% above the population.  The second bill would allow Sunapee to sucede from the County.  The third bill would require that the County be financially accountable to each town.  Discussion was held on adding wording to require the County to report to the DRA rather than the individual towns.  D. Nashawaty will do this and will have the bills ready for submission.  R. Leone will see who he can get to take these bills before the legislature.  Copy of draft bills attached to file minutes.


Revaluation Update  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that all work on the revaluation should be turned over to the Town  this Friday by Vision.  She stated that the assessor will meet with taxpayers and assist in making corrections to the data base if necessary.  She is pleased with the outcome of the revaluation and stated that the on-line site seemed to go over big with the citizens of the community as well as appraisers.

Boat Launch/Trailer September 26 Meeting  D. Nashawaty explained to the Board that she would like to discuss this matter at the September 26 Selectmen’s meeting.  

Parking in the Harbor – Plan for Upper Parking

D. Nashawaty presented the Board with an engineer’s plan of expanded parking at the harbor behind the gazebo.  She stated she was approached by a developer working on the Woodbine Cottage to see if they may enlarge the parking area to provide more municipal parking as well as possible parking for the Woodbine Cottage.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board to think about the proposal.  She would need to apply to DRED, who provided funding for the Ben Mere site, to have them approve the plan but does not see any problem with approval.  This would be a joint project between the developer and the town and the increased parking would not be for the exclusive use of the Woodbine patrons.  D. Nashawaty recommends the project, not because of the parking needed for Woodbine, but for the benefit it would provide the entire harbor area with more municipal parking.  S. White agreed stating it was a win, win situation.  W. Roach stated he was surprised that the Planning Board received this plan before the Selectmen.  He stated that the board has not been consistent with parking requirements and feels this should be looked at closely.  S. White stated that this would not only provide more parking but would aid in the control of traffic in the area as the road serving the lot would be a one way road.  R. Leone also stated his support of the project.  D. Nashawaty will bring this up at a later meeting for further discussion.

Web Site

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the new web site has gone live.  More information and corrections need to be made to the site.  Three office employees are doing this and will continue to add information as time goes by.  


S. White asked permission to place LSPA pamphlets in the Town Hall for the public.  All members agreed that it would be OK to do this.

Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

_____________________________                   _____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                     Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White